Sunday 18 October 2015

Stencil Tip No. 4

Our furniture stencil tip number 4 is:

  • do not move your stencil
before stenciling work out exactly where you want your image  and measure and line up your stencil  in the right spot. To keep it in that exact spot I suggest using green painters tape to lightly tape it in place, like this:

and this:

This will help it stay in the same place. As you paint, hold down parts of your stencil close to where you are painting and dabbing, to ensure those parts stay flat to your piece, this will help against leakage under the stencil and untidy lines and bleeding of the paint underneath the stencil. If possible it is also a good idea to try and stencil on a flat surface, so you could move your piece onto its back if you were stenciling on the front cupboard for example. Of course this is not always possible so going carefully and slowly will help too.
To see our other stencil tips go here stencil tip no.1 and here stencil tip no.2 and here stencil tip no.3

Happy stenciling!

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